For High School & College Students


Post-Secondary Scholarships

Scholarships are made possible through the support of Rochester Area Builders, Inc, the Commercial Builders Council, the Builders Exchange of Rochester, and the Youth Sporting Clay Shoot.

Rochester Area Builders, Inc. is proud to announce their 2024 scholarship program. Multiple $500.00 and $1,000.00 non-renewable scholarships are available for graduating high school seniors. Scholarships are for attendance in a post-secondary program in a construction-related field including technical school, trade school, or college.

To be eligible for the 2024 scholarships, applications must be postmarked by May 8, 2024. Scholarship recipients will be announced in June.

2022 Winners

  • Thomas Lennon at Iowa State University
  • Samuel Knox at UW Stout


Why Consider the Trades?

Today more than ever, America needs men and women who will build. The current labor shortage in the building trades is projected to grow, which means those who join the trades will be paid more, receive more benefits, and enjoy better lifestyles than at any other time in history. While your friends flip themselves upside down with school debt pursuing the next shiny digital trend, you’ll begin your career debt-free. A career that’s in high demand, promising growth and job security. One that will support a family and make you a better person in every aspect of life. It’s your future… what do you want to be?

Average annual wage for trades workers in SE Minnesota: $45,740
Projected 10 year job growth in Minnesota: 8.2%

Consider the Trades

Rochester Area Builders encourages educators, business leaders, young adults, and their parents to consider the trades. Check out our resources for those considering a career in the trades (whether as a first career or as a career changer) on

Project Build MN

Ready to take the next step? Project Build MN is a nonprofit organization that connects people with resources to start their career in the trades. Learn more at


Job Shadowing

Previously, Rochester Area Builders coordinated a Friday morning in May for area high school students to shadow a building industry professional. We now do the coordination on an individual basis.

Interested? Please contact Pat at or at (507) 282-7698 if you are interested in participating either as a professional or a student.


School Speakers

Another way students can learn about the building trades is to have two of our members as guests in their classroom. A builder and an associate member bring information as well as a video to be able to communicate with the students about the many careers available in the construction industry.

Interested? Please contact Pat at or at (507) 282-7698 if you are interested having speakers in your classroom.

College Partners